June 23, 2011

Hello there. Several of us are in preparation for the ACWW conference in Nova Scotia in July. I am hoping to take care of several pieces of business while there, including the necessary letter for the bank from Margaret Yetman (our Canadian President), and passing some fundraising ideas past both Margaret and May Kidd (our World President).
I consider both Margaret and May good friends and I look forward to seeing them both again. Among other issues we will I am sure be making plans for Canada to complete its commitment to the next triennium. Canada has committed $10,000. to our new project which was voted on in Hot Springs in the post-conference meeting.
While in Nova Scotia at conference, as your president, I will be doing two things; One, to make sure everyone across Canada is aware of our new and powerful group and even offer some insight and guidance for a blue-print for similar smaller, active, societies if anyone is interested in doing so. And to insure the establishment of contact with other societies throughout the country. Two, to represent our society, at a National level, in a way which will reflect well on us all. That includes the presentation of ideas for fundraising to those already mentioned, as well as all other business-oriented interaction with the expected 250 participants from across Canada. And of course to HAVE FUN!!!
I am looking forward to the conference of course and to seeing our own Southern Ontario Support members enjoy the experience. I look forward to reconnecting with W.I. members I met two years ago in P.E.I. at the F.W.I.C. Conference and to meeting new friends from clear across Canada.
I enjoy our membership's support and look forward to offering a full report both here on the website and at our meeting next year.
I trust you will all have a relaxed and refreshing summer holiday. Keep safe, keep strong and keep smiling.
President of S.O.S (Southern Ontario Support)
ACWW (Associated Country Women Worldwide)